Do Backlinks Still Matter for SEO?

Backlinks are still a crucial factor for organic search ranking, according to countless independent studies conducted in the SEO industry. Google's original PageRank algorithm is based on backlinks, and they are essential for a successful, long-term SEO strategy. Technical SEO can never replace backlinks, as they work together in harmony. Even though a page with a lot of good backlinks and mediocre on-page SEO can beat a page with phenomenal on-page SEO and very few backlinks, it's not a numbers game.

The more high-quality and relevant backlinks a page has, the more traffic it will receive from Google. In recent years, new types of backlinks have been developed that further increase the importance of links. A backlink is a link that is created when one website links to another. They are also known as inbound links or incoming links. NoFollow backlinks, originally created to combat spam, tell search engines not to crawl a link.

Nowadays, they are also used for sponsored content when one website was paid for linking to the other website. Brian Dean of Backlinko states that the number of referring domains is one of Google's most important ranking factors. High-quality links from trusted, popular, and high-authority sites are considered to be the most desirable backlinks, while those from low-authority and potentially spam sites are often at the other end of the spectrum. It's important to increase the total number of referring domains, which means receiving backlinks from more than one blog. Page optimization, meta tags and backlinks are key criteria in Google's ranking algorithm (as they were in the old days). Backlinks posted on social media pages, schedules, and profiles are considered high-quality links in most cases.

According to Matt Cutts of Google, backlinks have many years of viable use left but will also “be less important”.The more votes or backlinks a web page receives from other relevant pages, the more likely it is to rank in Google's SERPs. You can check the quality of your backlink profile (the set of all the links that point to your website) with the Ahrefs tool. However, don't think for a moment that it's going to replace backlinks as a ranking factor anytime soon. Your radical rules don't work in all actions, so sometimes (most backlinks don't work anymore but it's still important to increase them) you need to increase your total number of referring domains by receiving backlinks from more than one blog. Quality backlinks will help you rank more easily than merits, but there are things you can do as you begin to acquire links to beat a website or website that has 10 or 100 times more links than you. In short, Google relies on backlinks as a ranking factor because they show that, in some way, a human being has already solved the mess and made a decision.

Non-reciprocal backlinks come from websites that you haven't previously linked to in any of the content you've published on your website.

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